
Puppy Obedience

CLASS IS FULL!! Suitable for puppies 4 months and older, this class will be an introduction to training. Proper equipment, techniques and basic skills are taught. Class will also cover teaching your puppy to accept handling necessary for vet visits, grooming, etc. Puppies completing all 6 weeks will be eligible to test for the AKC […]

Obedience 2 (Intermediate Obedience)

This class is a continuation of any beginning obedience class. Emphasis will be on more advanced skills such as off leash sits, downs, recalls and stays. Prerequisite: Successful completion of a basic obedience class or instructor approval. Equipment: flat buckle collar or slip or martingale collar or pinch collar, 6-foot leash, and plenty of small […]

Agility Skills and Drills

Develop teamwork with your dog while mastering various handling techniques and other useful agility skills. This class will be a combination of small course drills and full course sequences designed to help you better communicate as a team on and off the agility field. The use of treats and toys is expected and encouraged. Dogs […]